Dream Interpretation
Your messages and guidance will be provided in a personalised PDF and 45-minute consultation.
Service Description
We will be using a 6-card spread to uncover what your dream means and represents, how your dream connects to your waking life, and what your dream needs you to let go of. During our readings we also make use of other divination tools such as charms, shells and crystals for more clarity. Your readings are always confidential, and your privacy is protected. For your personal reading, we will need the following: - What you can remember from the dream - Your First and Last Name - Date of birth - Where you are from - Your family Totem, if you are aware of one Once your booking is confirmed, please ensure to send us the required information mentioned above via email. We highly recommend keeping a journal of your dream to avoid forgetting any details.

Contact Details
+27 81 416 3763